Sunday 29 April 2012

My Favourite Recipe

I love Chocolate and Vanilla Sponge Cake very much because it really finger licking good. My mom's cooking is really special to me. She has her own personal touch and her recipes are to die for. 

Ingeredients :

 250g of butter.

 500g of flour.

 150g of castor sugar.

 50 ml of fresh milk.

 150g of cooking chocolate.

 Vanilla essence 

Method :

1. Firstly, measure all the ingredients.
2. Secondly, beat the butter and sugar well until fluffy.
3. Thirdly, put the egg and vanilla enssence into a big bowl and mix it well.
4. Then, put the flour bit by bit.
5. Next, put the butter into 2 bowl, one bowl with vanilla and one more with chocolate flavour.
6. After that, put parchment paper in the baking tray and spread some butter on the paper.
7. Then, put the butter into the baking tray and bake at 175 degree celcius until golden brown.
8. Do the same process for one more butter.
9. Then remove from the oven and let it cold
10. Next, put the first cake with some chocolate chips.
11. Lastly take one more layer and put together.

 By: mimi syafiqa, nor fadliha, aina syahirah

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