Thursday 3 May 2012

Lat,The Malay Famous Cartoonist

Lat, The Famous Malaysian Cartoonist

lat,our famous and well-known cartoonist

 This article disscus about a well-known cartoonist in malaysia known as Lat.His noble personalities can help our student to nuture their own talents especially in drawing cartoons or even comic.

 Mohd. Nor Khalid,also known as Lat was born in 1951 in Kota Bharu,Perak.This noble man recalls his early days with his little friends,playing pranks,chasing chickens and bathing in rivers.

 In 1964,Lat's first comic book was published.By 1968,he earned his money by selling his comic to a famous newspaper such as Berita Harian and Dewan Pelajar.

 After completed his study in Form 5,Lat left for Kuala Lumpur and joined the New Straits Time (N.S.T).He became the crime reporter for NST.In 1994,he joined the Asia Magazine and become their reporter.He continued drawing for news media.On 1980,he left NST and continued his journey on his own succes.During 1995 to 1997,Lat visited Los Angeles and worked with production team on one of the famous animation series called ''Kampung Boy"

 Lat cartoon was always become the people's talk.His cartoons were always getting encouraging response because of its brand of humour,unique and hilarious.Most of Lat's cartoons storyline are about social situations.Nevertheless,his cartoons was made comical and not hurtfull.We will laugh at ourselves because of its funny.

 In 1994,HRH Sultan of Perak awarded Lat because of his contribution the Darjah Makhota Perak which then carries the title Dato'.His great personalities should motivate all of us to work hard if we want to be succesfull.If we worked hard,maybe someday,we will succed like our reknown cartoonist,Lat.
By :Ahmad Azaman Hadi bin Azahar..

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