Saturday 12 May 2012

Road Safety Tips

As we already know,road safety is very important for us.But,nowadays,many of us does not concerned about their safety on the road.So,in this article,i would like to discuss on how to be safe on the road.

  There are thousands of ways to ensure that no harm happened at us on the road.But,why must we be safe?why must we follow all the road safety rules instead just do anything we want on the road?have you ever think of that?well,it is clear that government obligate us to follow these rules because we can reduce accidents hence can save more souls from just 'flying away' off the road.

  For motorist,always wear helmet while riding your bike.In cased accident happened,the helmet can protect our head from encounter more damage at least.And for those who rode bicycle,DO NOT ride side by side.It may caused danger.For safety,always ride your bicycle in a single file.

  Next,for road users,please,for the sake of your life,follow the speed limit that had been set up by the government.Do not speed up or you may loose your control.

  I would like to highlight this point for student.I believe almost all of student in Malaysia cross the road.But,some of them,or even all of them does not use 'zebra crossing' while crossing the road.The main function of the zebra crossing is to let student to cross the road safely.

  In conclusion,please follow the road safety rules if you want to be safe.Remember the person you loved.Always take good care of them,and yourself.

By:Ahmad Azaman Hadi Bin Azahar


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  2. Awesome tips you got here. A very informative post. There's a new way to make the pedestrians and the drivers to be attentive. Have you heard of pedestrian lane art? I think this idea will be helpful. Anyway, Thank you for sharing these tips!
