Tuesday, 3 July 2012

Dream Big

Never say Never was one of the most inspirational movies I've EVER seen, and i don't think I'll ever see one that beats it.  Haters can go ahead and hate, but if you actually took a second to stop the hating, and listen to the words that come out of Justin's mouth, listen to his songs, watch his movie, I promise you'd see him from a whole new perspective. I always thought Justin Bieber was just some hot Canadian that had a good voice, but he's so much more. He's given up so much for his fans, called Beliebers , it's unbelievable.  He'd rather sing his heart out at a concert then lay down when he's sick, he puts the people he loves first, and that's all that should matter. You cant judge someone by looks, by voice, by one word you hear. To judge someone, you need to get to know them, understand what they've been through, understand all they've given up for others, understand how amazing and loving they truly are. He's worked for this his whole life, This is his career, this is his dream, this is his everything. Money doesn't matter, fame doesn't matter, and he doesn't let it get to his head. I've never had an inspiration before and you know how Justin inspires Michael Jackson, Usher, and all the others? Well I'm proud to say he inspires me. He taught me to never say never and find out what possible if we never give up. Once we've fall, doesnt mean we cant stand again. Everything start from something, but it will be nothing if your heart didnt believe in your dream. And you need to dream big and ignore all the words that let you down. I hold this word till now, and thank God, everything alright. When life changes to be more difficult, change yourself to be stronger.

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