Saturday 16 June 2012


 Education equips youths with the skills and knowledge for the working world.However,many young adults find that they are ill-equiped to deal with the pressures they undergo during  adulthood.There are many dangers that they should guard against when dealing with obstacles in life.

 One of the dangers,they are bound to face is peer  presure.Onfortunately,this is a very influential power that compels one to live up the lifestyles and standards of one's peers.Thus many have succumbed to the lure of vices such as substance abuse and gambling just to gain acceptance by the in-crowd.

 Youngsters must also beware of neglecting their health in pursuit of succes.Most youngsters start out by working long hours just to prove themselves and they neglect to lead healthy lifestyles.When they are beseiged by ailments they find that they are alone with only their money to get them through the illness.

  Young people should therefore develop good moral values and principles which can guide them through life's decisions. one way of achieving this is to seek good counsel from role models who have respectable and admirable approaches to life.

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