Saturday 9 June 2012



    I was searching for some information about interesting places in Malaysia last week , and I came across an advertisement about contest. The competition requined us to create creative slogan and it pramised and attractive vacation to Cameron Highlands. I joined and about three weeks later , I received a phone call that said I’ve won the grand prize. Then , I told my parent about this and they gave me the green light. I and my family were happy like ‘heads over heels’ because we had planned to go on a holiday before this. The date had been confirmed on third of June , on during the mid-year school holidays. We took this golden opportunity to call it a day as all of us had worked and studied hard before .
   The sun shone brightly and the wind blew softly, it was a suitable time to get the ball rolling. About a couple of days ago, my dad had serviced our car to make sure we would have a smooth ride, we took about 8 hours to reach our destination. The journey was quite long and boring for me and my sister, so we played our favourite movie , Twillight Breaking Dawn. We also tuned in Hitz FM listening to the latest hits and Dj’s cracking jokes. As we bagan our journey at 9.00 a.m , we reached Tapah at 3.00 p.m. Before driving to Cameron Highlands , all of us already had lunch at ‘RnR’ joyously and my dad also had taken a short nap to refresh. The rood to Cameron Highlands is like a zigzag road, therefore, my dad drove carefully and keep his eyes on the road. However , our hearts had been captured by the beautiful of nature where the green trees rustling and the birds melodiously. We were seduced by the beauty of nature. The situation was completely different with the noice of the city like chalk and cheese.
    About a quarter to seven, we reached Cameron Highlands safely.  As planned we stayed at Cosa Dela Rosa , a boutique hotel that was located just a stone throw away from the main town. The hotel is more to family inn. We could experience living in an English country side home with a dassy restaurant. We heard the hotel served tip-top service for its costumers. The moment we reached the hotel, we checked-in and flag our bags down. Then , we headed to the hotel’s restaurant to have dinner. We had western food for dinner. On that night, all of us slept soundly because we ran out of steam due to the long ride.
    It was a sunny Monday and the air was very cold and fresh without any pollution. We had breakfast at the nearby food court and the meal was really ‘ finger linking’ good . The first spot that we visited was the Boh Tea Estate. It is a spacious green tea form with some workers that brought a big basket on their backs picking the tea ledues. More , we also got a chance to view the factory and looked how the tea was processed. Now I knew that almost like whole process used modern machines. Besides , we also had a cup of tea each at the Boh Café. My mom bought some packets of tea with variety of flavours like strawberry, blackberry and grape.
   As we all knew, Cameron Highlands is famous with strawberry farms. So,we took this chance to go to Big Red Strawberry Far, located not far from Brinchang police station. There, we could pick strawberries without any limit. The strawberries were really sweet. The most suitable period to visit strawberry farm was in April to June, so we were lucky. The Big Red Café served us many types of mouth-watering snacks like cakes, waffles and ice-cream. 
   After that, we went to the D’Cameron Restaurant and we wera having scrumptious Japanese cuisine for lunch. That was my first time of eating sushi and I had fallen in love with that meal. Our next destination was the Bee Farm at Habu. There, we could see how people collect the bee honey from the bee hives. We knew that the work is really risky. We also took a look to bee museum that told us many information about this creature. They also have giant bee statues. The clock alredy showed 7.00 p.m., so we decided to go back to our hotel and took some rest.

   Sharp at 9 o’clock, we started to travel again. Brinchang Night Market was our nest stop. The market opened at 4.00 p.m. and close at midnight. We could get best product of Cameron Highlands at the lowest price. There re many hawkers selling local dishes. The market was relly crowded and everyone was busy looking for something they wanted. Out of blue, I lost my way and could not find my parents. I panicked and felt afraid. At that time, I knew that my face was pale like a ghost. Fortunately, there was a kind-hearted woman who was willing to lend me a hand. I usedher handphone to call my parent and told them where I was then. About 10 minutes later, I could see my parents coming towards me. My heart was beating normally again. I thanked that woman and this incident taught me to be more careful next time. We went to the hotel and ‘hit the sack’ fter that.

   It was my second day in Cameron Highlands. We off to Time Tunnel Museum. People also call it as the time machine as they kept many historic stuff such as old radio, televisison and bicycle. Most of these items were left by the miner that live here once upon a time. The museum had many sections such as classic pubhouse, traditional saloon and old bedroom. We had  whale of time there.

   After that, we set off to the butterfly farm. There were many colourful butterflies roaming in a landscape of shrubs and flowers. That was such a great view. There, we visited the zoological wing too. The insects, lizars and snakes were displayed in a big tank.

   Next, we went to Cactus Point where we could find many types of cactus. As my dad hs green fingers, he bought some cactus for our house’s garden. Rose Point was only beside the Cactus Point, so went there on foot. The rose point is a big colourful garden like in fantacy movie. We were speechless t firt.

   We also drooled over to Multi-Crops Central Market. There, we could get many eye-catching souvenirs and handicrafts. It is like a shopping heaven especially for girls. The market arrangement is like small indoor park, with benches, fountains and landscaped gardens. It ws our last stop for that day.

   It was full-moon night and it was 2012 earth hour. Se, we celebrated with a barbeque under the twinkling stars. My dad played the guitar while my sister sang some sweet songs. It was really a joyful night. Besides, my mom also told us some funny stories when she was young.

   All to soon it was time to go home. We checked-out at 9.00 a.m. and had our last breakfast there. On the way home, we stopped by Latar Iskandar Waterfall. The waterfall is visible from the roadside. The water was really cold and crystal clear. There also a bridge that allowed us to cross the stream. As my passion was in photography, I took this golden chance to take as many pictures of flora and fauna as I could. Along the ride, we talked and talked of our unforgettable holiday. We were very exhausted but delighted. Now, we left it refreshed and filled with quite joy.  

By: Mimi Syafiqa A. Jafri

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